January 9, 2025

What Does The Next 4 Years Look Like For Trump Presidency?

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a happy start to the new year. Are you ready to achieve your goals this year? Put the peddle to the metal? I know I am! This year I am dedicating myself to eating healthier, working out more, losing some weight and more importantly devoting more time to writing and getting my thoughts out into the wider world. So here we go.

Well 2025 has gotten off to a crazy start hasn't it? A terrorist attack in New Orleans, the "incident " in Las Vegas and now Los Angeles is burning down to the ground. What in the Sam hill is going on right now? I had a gut feeling that something like this would happen the moment Trump was elected.

If you want to call me a conspiracy theorist go ahead but deep down you know that you feel the same way too. The Democrats or the monied powers behind the curtains do not like the MAGA agenda and will stop at nothing to stop this movement from accomplishing any of its stated goals. What better way to do that than stir up trouble before Trump is even sworn into office again.

The Trump administration and congress are going to be so caught up bouncing from one crisis to another for the next year that its going to fatigue policymakers enough where they can't focus on passing anything of substance. If you understand how congress works they really only have about a year to get anything done. Next year there will be mid-term elections so nothing will get done because they will worrying about being re-elected.

In reality 2025 is the only time Trump has to get his agenda passed. If you remember his first time in office he wasn't particularly good at managing congress and getting them to work with him to fulfill his campaign promise. Do you think he has gotten any better in the last 4 years? Probably not. I could see maybe getting some kind of tax law passed and some kind of border security bill but that about it. Sorry to say but here is what is going to be left on the cutting room floor of his agenda:

  • Border Wall
  • Deportation of illegal immigrants
  • Bitcoin Strategic Reserve
  • Reduction of national debt
  • No involvement in foreign wars

Sure Republicans have a majority in congress but it is so incredibly small that it is pretty much rendered ineffective. Republicans can only afford to lose 2-3 votes on any legislation that they want to pass. Good luck getting everyone to agree and row in the same direction for the good of the "team".

Most of congress is filled with self-serving egotistical millionaires who don't know how to work together as a team. They didn't get to positions of power by playing well with others. The clawed on the backs of others with good intentions to rise to power. At the end of the day, politicians look out for themselves and will vote their own self-interest. Constituents be damned.

This is why I think some kind of tax reform bill will pass because it benefits them financially and watered down border security bill with no border wall component because it will placate the base and help them get reelected. All the other issues they Republicans could give two shits about.

Republican business interest benefits from illegal immigration.
Republican don't give shit about Bitcoin because it takes the power of the printing press away from them.
Republicans don't care about the national debt because they believe in fiat Keynesian economics. They don't see the debt as a problem.
Republicans love war because if funds the military industrial complex.

What Does This Mean For America?

The next four years are probably going to look like a re-run of 2016-2020. There will be tons of congressional deadlock over any bill of consequence followed by periodic mini crisis's over the debt ceiling.

Inflation will continue to run red hot over the next four years because the main drivers of inflation is not the out of control consumer, its the government and its profligate spending. Lyn Alden has written a fantastic piece about it recently, I highly suggest you give it a read.

The Ukraine war will still be funded maybe not to the level that it has been but Trump isn't going to cut them off completely. America's military industrial complex will still be all over the middle east ready to pounce on Iran if Israel takes the first shot.

At the end of the day we as Americans don't have the power to really influence anything on the macro level. We do have power on the micro or personal level. It's through our individual action that things will change over time.

The best thing that you can do for you and your family is to invest in hard assets. Bitcoin is preferable but if you have family that is not ready to go down that route, property/land and gold are good things to own. In an economic environment like this owning bearer assets is a must.

The global economy is living on borrowed to time to be honest. It's not a matter of if the global economy is going to collapse its a matter of when will it happen. History has shown that all fiat currencies collapse at some point because of human nature. Governments get drunk on the power of creating money out of nothing and forget the only way to have a truly sustainable form of money is something that is backed by something that is hard to produce.

This is a lesson that man has failed to learn time and time again. Hopefully we learn this time and the world finally decides to leave the mirage of fiat currency in the dustbin of history where it belongs.

#Bitcoin #Nostr